In the 70s and on into much of the 80s, people really didn’t give much thought to tidying up their pubic hair. Towards the beginning of the 90s, however, people started wising up to the fact that smoother, less hairy nether regions were more attractive and more hygienic. That is when the Brazilian wax took front and center stage as the wax to get. This is not an “in-between” type of wax; it is for people who want to go all the way and to remove every single piece of hair from the pubic and anal area.
Without a Brazilian wax or at least some kind of maintenance, you will look old-fashioned and out-dated, and don’t be surprised if you turn off a few partners! Au naturel just isn’t how things are being done these days. The good news is that it’s easy to find a great place to get a Denver Brazilian wax. Studio Urban Wax, for example, is an awesome salon staffed by the best and most experienced professionals in the industry. They know how to give Brazilians in such a way that discomfort is minimized and so that you don’t have unsightly bumps, redness, or itching after the wax is complete!
Don’t take our word for it though. Try a Denver Brazilian wax at the salon yourself. You’ll see how quick and painless the process can be and, most importantly of all, how fantastic the results make you look and feel! Best of all, your waxing results can last for up to six weeks or more and, when the hair does grow back, it will be less noticeable and easier to remove the second time!
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