Thursday, November 1, 2012

Denver Tanning Safety Tips

Everyone loves looking bronzed and beautiful. There is just something about a tan that evokes images of youth and health. However, too much time in the sun, or in a tanning bed for that matter, is anything but healthy. Not only does it up the tanner’s risk of skin cancer, but it can also contribute to premature aging and a leathery, haggard skin appearance. However, there are things that you can do to still look like you’ve spent all day out in the sun without suffering the consequences. It’s just a matter of finding the right option for you.

There are many sunless tanning options today. Studio Urban Wax offers several. You can get a spray-on tan which looks natural and lasts for several days. Or you can use products, like lotions and creams, that go on and, over time, provide you with a realistic looking tan. All of these options are completely safe. However, many people just don’t like the way that they look or they want a longer lasting option. If this is how you feel and you’re dead-set on using a Denver tanning bed, there are still things you can do to minimize your risk.

 First and foremost, don’t spend more time than you should in the tanning bed. A professional at any legitimate Denver tanning salon can look at you and tell how long you should be spending in the bed. Also, don’t tan too often; once a week is more than enough. Furthermore, if you use a bed with settings, use the tanning bed on the lowest possible setting, and, when you go into the real sun, make sure you’re using sunscreen and other protective products.

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